Saturday, June 25, 2011

Responce to Two Poems

  I read every poem that was on the Poetry of Witness and most of them didn't give me any feelings, no emotion mostly just confusion.  After reading all the poems I came to the conclusion that I am just not fond of poetry, or at least I haven't found too many poems that touch me, but I will take a stab at it.  Out of all the poems the two I felt most compelled to write about is “Immigrants in Our Own Land” by Jimmy Santiago Baca and “Letter Composed During a Lull in the Fighting” by Kevin C. Powers.

            The reason why I enjoyed the second poem “Letter Composed During a Lull in the Fighting” is because when I first read it I had no idea what was even going on.  I had to read the poem a dozen times before I could make any connection to the text, but I grew to enjoy this poem more and more each time I read it.  I liked and felt emotion for the poem because I think he is saying goodbye to the women he loves because he doesn’t think he will make it back home.  The other poem I read is “Immigrants in Our Own Land” I also felt some strong emotions for this poem.  This poem makes me feel anger because I think people are trying to change but they are forced to do something they don’t want to do, also I feel sad for the people in this poem who feel like they are stuck and how they think there is no other choice.  This poem is still a little confusing because the title of the poem is misleading.  But I still do not know what poem I will choose to write about for the next essay.  I have good ideas on how to analyze both of these poems and I do feel emotion for both.  Maybe after a little more thinking one will stand out more than the other. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Blog Post #2, Summary and Analysis


       I believe the difference between summary and analysis is pretty black and white.  Some people may not know the difference between the two simply because they do not understand what they mean.  The summary of a story is taking a book or basically anything with a storyline and wrapping it all up.  In a summary you usually only talk about the beginning, key points through the story and the end.  We use summary in almost everything we talk about, some examples are movies, sports or telling someone how your day went.  Now, analysis is completely different then summary, it is when you look at reasons why events happen and how they occurred also if you were to analyze something you would have to look at every little detail that happened because one detail can change everything.  Take for example, your telling someone how your day went, if I was to use a summary I would say key points or interesting things that happened, but if I was to analyze my day and tell it to someone I would have to focus on every second of that day from when I woke up to when I went to sleep.