Saturday, June 25, 2011

Responce to Two Poems

  I read every poem that was on the Poetry of Witness and most of them didn't give me any feelings, no emotion mostly just confusion.  After reading all the poems I came to the conclusion that I am just not fond of poetry, or at least I haven't found too many poems that touch me, but I will take a stab at it.  Out of all the poems the two I felt most compelled to write about is “Immigrants in Our Own Land” by Jimmy Santiago Baca and “Letter Composed During a Lull in the Fighting” by Kevin C. Powers.

            The reason why I enjoyed the second poem “Letter Composed During a Lull in the Fighting” is because when I first read it I had no idea what was even going on.  I had to read the poem a dozen times before I could make any connection to the text, but I grew to enjoy this poem more and more each time I read it.  I liked and felt emotion for the poem because I think he is saying goodbye to the women he loves because he doesn’t think he will make it back home.  The other poem I read is “Immigrants in Our Own Land” I also felt some strong emotions for this poem.  This poem makes me feel anger because I think people are trying to change but they are forced to do something they don’t want to do, also I feel sad for the people in this poem who feel like they are stuck and how they think there is no other choice.  This poem is still a little confusing because the title of the poem is misleading.  But I still do not know what poem I will choose to write about for the next essay.  I have good ideas on how to analyze both of these poems and I do feel emotion for both.  Maybe after a little more thinking one will stand out more than the other. 


  1. Sean
    Great post.I like your honesty. I must admit, I had to reread them all several times also and I don’t really enjoy analyzing poems either. It makes my head hurt.
    I enjoyed your simple explanation of the poem, “Letter Composed During a Lull in the Fighting”. Your analysis of the poem,was of a soldier saying goodbye to the women he loves. Which I thought was very insightful. But you failed to enlighten us, on what made you come to that conclusion.

  2. Hey Sean,
    I appreciated your honesty as well. I've had to read poetry for school assignments and I've read collections on the recommendations of other, but for the most part, I would probably never say that I "like" poetry. Sometimes I think poets are just authors with shorter attention spans.

    "Immigrants in Our Own Land" actually made gave me the creeps when I started reading it. Having worked in a detention setting for way longer than I'd like to admit, I recognized the subject matter instantly. It's actually a fairly accurate portrayal of a jail/prison setting and reading it made me feel like I was back at work. It never ceases to amaze me that people get out of that setting and continue to make choices that send them back again and again.
