Sunday, July 24, 2011

Blog Post #7

Only after eight week of school I feel that I have learn a lot.  I have especially learn a lot when writing analytical essays.  I now know the difference between analyzing essays and summarizing them.  I think my expectation of English 102 have been meet, and I think I have meet the expectation of what is expected from a English 102 student.  The most challenge I have had in this class is definitely essay #3.  The reason I had trouble with this essay is because I found it difficult to try to relate two different peoples lives with one event that went on in history and also trying to find evidence that ties all theses things together.  Overall this has been a good learning experience that I can use in the future.



  1. Sean,

    I agree with you, English 102 has been what i expected, but it definetly has gone by fast with soo little time. I also didnt knw the difference of summary and analysis until this class. The poetry has been a little of a struggle for me, especially essay 3 too. But hey we got through it! Hope you have a great rest of the summer! :)

  2. Hello Sean,
    This semester flew by and was a great learning experience like you said. essay three was a challenge primarily for the fact of incorporating multiple sources and trying to convey an idea across. I am grateful that this course is finished and very happy that it did not take a full 16 weeks like it would during a regular term. The ability to know the difference between summary and analysis was interesting and is a great piece of knowledge to have for future courses. Well this is all I have for now hope you have a great remainder of your summer.
    Augie Molina

  3. Hi Sean,
    I found that Essay # 3 was the most difficult for me as well. I think you pretty much summed up why, trying to tie in all of this information and the different lives; it was a challenge! This semester has definitely flown by. My expectation of ENG 102 has been met as well. I felt that I learned quite a few good skills, and my writing has definitely improved. Great job this term, and have a good summer!
